1253 Vine St
Los Angeles, CA 90038
In the same shopping center as Doomies Home Cookin, home of the vegan Big Mac, Cocobella is a vegan ice cream place. The space used to be an Eastern European restaurant that closed, matter of fact, I never saw one customer in there, while I was at Doomies. One great thing I found out, Doomies has opened their Next Mex restaurant, right next door. It's vegan Mexican!!
Anyways a bright, airy place with the ice cream along the back wall, and some tables in the front.
Toasted smores, $5.50. This is made out of coconut milk and soy. It was very tasty, but the texture threw me off. It was very grainy! I really don't know what causes this to be grainy. If this wasn't grainy, I would have liked it much more.
Service is good. The lady was very nice and helpful!
I would go back to Cocobella. They gave samples and I tried the salted caramel, and it was good, but wasn't as grainy. They have different flavors at different times of the year. The strawberry lemonade looked really good! That will be my choice when I come back for Doomies Next Mex!